

My name is Britt and I run this thing. I am a sarcastic, coffee fueled menace, who happens to have five kids somehow? (Spare me the “you know what prevents that?” joke.) I didn’t even want kids when I was younger. Weird, right?

My kids range in age from 15 to 8 and 3/4. Three boys and two girls. Three of them are not biologically mine. Hence, the evil stepmother. Not really, I’m pretty cool I think. The kids even tell me so sometimes, which makes me concerned that I am doing something terribly wrong, but I guess we will see when they get to therapy as adults.

To say I was not prepared for blending a family is an understatement. Blending a family and starting a new marriage with two ex-spouse’s to contend with and it all started about six months before COVID happened, well that was just the icing on the cake.

This gig is hard. This gig is also so, so worth it.

I have found a certain lack of resources for being a step parent. There are a few really excellent places, but nothing like a biological parent might have access to. I am fortunate to wearing both hats in this case, but everything becomes so much more complicated when the child you are responsible for isn’t yours in the eyes of — well, basically everything — but you still feel that desire to show up for them in every way you can.

Here I hope to gather resources for those of us in the thickest wilds of this journey and offer some hope, guidance, and maybe some laughs.